Wednesday, October 3, 2012


When I think of rhetoric my mind automatically jumps to a Native American tribe sitting around a fire playing drums, while a chief tells them stories of their ancestors. Although this could be considered rhetoric, its not the full story. The definition that made it more clear for me was "... rhetoric implies the use or manipulation of words." because it allowed me to open it up to a lot more applications. Rhetoric to me would be defined as anything whether a story, legend, or experienced that is told from one person to another. Even if it is not passed down generations, seeing some stranger and talking to them could be a rhetoric.

Canons - Pronuntiatio (Delivery)

The most important part of rhetoric to me would have to be the delivery. Anyone could tell you a story, or read a passage, but someone who has a good delivery can really make a difference. Everyone has had those teachers who may teach the worst class ever, but the way the give you the information makes it so much easier to understand. It also makes whatever your reading or listening to soak in that much easier, rather than going in one ear then out the other. 

Persuasive Discourse

Persuasiveness is a huge part of rhetoric. The first thing that come to my mind is Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. This could be considered forensic oratory to me because it came off much like a courtroom debate. He was pleading his case to the government as well as the world as a whole, while defending his rights as a citizen of the US, and as a human being. Although he was not in a courtroom it was still very persuasive and effective. It definitely gave of a vibe of one though, therefore resembling forensic oratory. 

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