Where do I start??
The best place for me to start is with whatever comes to my mind first. The early stages of writing are just finding out what your trying to write about. Sometimes I like to just skip my initial intro paragraph and jump right into the body. This makes it easier to not have a set direction to write in, and then I am able to just flow with it. The initial stage of any writing assignment has to be research, so you have some general idea on what you are writing about. The next step would be the outlining or drafting your first paper. Just go with what you know, you will have plenty of opportunity to correct spelling, grammar, and content. A skeleton first draft makes it easier to add and remove bits and pieces to make it a spectacular paper.
Help Me To Help You.
Revision is a very important step within the process of your first draft. It allows you to re-read what you have wrote and determine whether or not it completely sucks or not. A fresh pair of eyes always helps because you tend to be biased to your own writing. content is key here, making sure everything makes sense, and matches the point you want to get across. "... Don't set out to destroy all errors and problems in the writing...". Whether proof reading your own or someone else's paper, make the criticism constructive. Always point out what you liked or connected with, as well as maybe pointers on how to make it better. As they say, friends don't let friends look illiterate.
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