Monday, September 17, 2012

Response 1

What type of writer am I?
 I am the type of writer that tends to steer clear of wring in any way possible. Although this may sound somewhat backwards, its just the way I have always been. I have always viewed writers as a way people express their emotions, but to me emotions are for you, and you thoughts to deal with. So when I am forced to write, it rarely has an emotional attachment associated with it. Occasionally my softer side will be brought out, but that is a rarity. So if i'm not an emotional writer, what type am I? Maybe I would classify myself as a writer who is inspired by other writers. My writing comes from information others give to me, then I just add my own twist on it. 

Electronic tools in writing.
 The internet is a great resource when writing, well anything. It is a tool used and despised by many. Sites such as Wikipedia have come under tons of scrutiny for false information, as well as giving people the material to plagiarize. Some students may disagree, but blogs, internet encyclopedias etc. just give me more information on what i have already discovered. The first place I tend to gravitate towards when writing a paper are those online databases, just to give me the ground work on the material. Even images on the web assist me with some of my works. Mind you I am no professorial writer, so I take any help I can get. 

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